vertigo treatment in indore

October 1, 2021

Vertigo symptoms and causes – Dr. Navin Tiwari –

Very often, one feels as if losing balance and loses voluntary control over their body. There is a sensation as if the world around is spinning […]
April 7, 2019

EVERY HEADCHE IS NOT MIGRAINE ! – An Article By Dr. Navin Tiwari, Consulting Neurologist Asian Neuro Centre , Indore

In neurology OPD most of the patient’s that come with the complaints of headache thought that their headache is migraine headache. Its sometimes funny because in […]
March 4, 2019

Constant Vertigo? Maybe you suffering from BPPV – Article by Dr Navin Tiwari, Renowned Neurologist from Indore.

Constant Vertigo? Maybe you suffering from BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo)- article by Dr Navin Tiwari, Renowned Neurologist and Director Asian Neuro Centre, Indore. Most of […]
February 7, 2019
Dr. Navin with Dr. Ravi Verma

Treatment of Vertigo By Dr Navin Tiwari brings joy and smile after a year of agony and suffering due to Positional Vertigo.

Dr Ravi verma, renowned surgeon, Founder and Director of Energy and New Minesh hospital Indore, President of Madhya Pradesh Chikitsa Parishad had problem of Vertigo since […]