
August 8, 2018

Healthcare Excellence Awards 2018 in the field of Neurology

Our quality initiatives are recognized at the highest level through Honored By Healthcare Excellence Awards 2018 in the field of Neurology. We at Asian Neuro Centre […]
July 22, 2018
Vertigo Clinic at Asian Neuro Centre Indore

Vertigo Clinic at Asian Neuro Centre Indore

Vertigo is a sensation of motion or spinning that is often described as giddiness, dizziness falling off sensations etc. All these symptoms indicate a disorder of […]
July 22, 2018

This is one of The Many Social Awareness Initiatives carried out by Dr Navin Tiwari,Director & Consulting Neurologist Indore

This is one of The Many Social Awareness Initiatives carried out by Dr Navin Tiwari,Director &Consulting Neurologist Asian neuro centre from Indore.Advancement in epilepsy treatment is […]
June 28, 2018

Looking FORWARD After a Long Road to Diagnosis of EPILEPSY

Undiagnosed epilepsy disturbed Mr.Ram life for years. But a comprehensive evaluation at Asian neuro centre, Indore,by our neurologist Neurologist Dr. Navin Tiwari finally revealed the true […]