Neurologist Doctor in Indore

December 16, 2021
मिर्गी रोग क़्या हैँ, लक्षण क़्या होते हैँ, उपचार क़्या हैँ ? - डॉ. नवीन तिवारी

मिर्गी रोग क़्या है, लक्षण क़्या होते है ?, उपचार क़्या है? – डॉ. नवीन तिवारी

मिर्गी रोग  एक बेहद सामान्य बीमारी है | इसे हम न संक्रामक कह सकते हैं और न ही मानसिक बीमारी है | इसका कारण हमारे तंत्रिका […]
December 1, 2021
Myasthenia Gravis Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment,

Myasthenia Gravis Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment, Dr. Navin Tiwari

Myasthenia gravis happens due to rapid fatigue and weakness in the muscles. Any of the muscles are not in the proper voluntary control of the body. […]
November 27, 2021
Recurrent Facial Palsy Causes, Bell's Palsy Treatment in Indore

Recurrent Facial Palsy Causes, Bell’s Palsy Treatment in Indore

Recurrent facial palsy causes weakness in the facial muscles of the body. The weakness in the facial improves with time. It is temporary in some cases […]
November 24, 2021
Common Causes of Headache - Dr. Navin Tiwari,

Common Causes of Headache – Dr. Navin Tiwari,

Headache is a common cause in people due to their lifestyle mismanagement. Around 75% of adults are troubled with the issues of headaches. It causes a […]