Today a mother along with her daughter of around 14 years of age belonging to affluent class came to my opd. Mother complaint that her daughter is very weak n could not hold pen or toothbrush, these object fell down with a jerk usually in the morning. She said that she had shown to so many physician, some said it was bcos of vitamin deficiency, or menstrual cycle related and so many other invalid reasons.
This incidence make me to write about this topic JME. We common people are very well aware of generalized tonic clonic seizure(GTCS) in common language “fit”, “jhataka”, “Daura”, “Mirgi”.
But JME is also a kind of epilepsy about which people must be made aware. It is characterised by jerky movement especially in morning time mostly in patients who have lack of sleep.
If it is not treated it may lead to bigger one generalised tonic clinic seizure.
I just want to say that if anyone or there near dear ones are having this problem pls consult a neurologist and get treated.
in Asian neuro centre Indore we have special epilepsy clinic on first monday of every month where apart from Consulation by our neurologist, we educate n aware the patients about various types of epilepsy with different videos, short films, documentries and small plays.