
March 4, 2022
क़्या मिर्गी का दौरा मरीज की याददाश्त को भी प्रभावित करता हैँ ? - डॉ. नवीन तिवारी

क़्या मिर्गी का दौरा मरीज की याददाश्त को भी प्रभावित करता है ? – डॉ. नवीन तिवारी

मिर्गी (Epilepsy) एक न्यूरोलॉजिकल डिसॉर्डर है, जिससे दिमाग में असामान्य तरंगें उत्पन्न होती हैं और दिमाग में गड़बड़ी के चलते इंसान को बार-बार दौरे पड़ने लगते […]
November 20, 2021

Some Myths About Epilepsy, Epilepsy Specialist in Indore, Dr. Navin Tiwari

Epilepsy is a medical condition in which the individual encounters seizures. It happens due to the unpredicted electrical cells released from the brain. Around 10 million […]
November 17, 2021
Epilepsy Symptoms in Children, Epilepsy Child Treatment in Indore

Epilepsy Symptoms in Children, Epilepsy Child Treatment in Indore

The cause of epilepsy is the seizures happening in the brain. Around 3 million Americans are struggling with this neurological condition. It has been estimated that […]
August 13, 2021
Best Doctors For Epilepsy Treatment in Indore

Refractory Epilepsy Treatment – Dr. Navin Tiwari

You have refractory epilepsy, then; the doctor will tell it to you. The medicines are unable to control the seizures. We call refractory epilepsy by the […]